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EP 13 - Interview with Joe Arko

“Until you raise your standards, you’re not going to become more successful.”

-Joe Arko

Homeless with three months to pay first and last month rent on an 8,000 square foot lease, Joe Arko, dug in, turning that gutsy risk into a million-dollar choice he has never forgotten. Joe, the founder and creator of the personal training certification program A.T.S and PT Profits co-founder, joins Troy sharing his story and whipping all in his path into shape. Joe explains the effects of lacking passion, having self-confidence, and canceling fear when aiming to live a successful life. His journey is one that is not short of its troubles, but on this episode, he expresses how struggles are vital lessons you must learn on the road to success, creating a push within that will allow you to attain and maintain that success.


4:25 Joe’s beginning

9:33 The turning point that changed Joe’s path

14:47 Joe’s successful turn of events

22:44 Developing self confidence

27:23 How Joe’s background fostered an unempathetic, fearless attitude

33:29 Work ethic, mental toughness, and society’s mindset

44:24 Holding yourself to a higher standard 46:10 Millennials and communicating

50:33 How personal development has impacted Joe’s life


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